"I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reasons, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use" -Galileo Galilei

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation" - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, March 2, 2008


In the past, I have never been one to make affirmations. I used to think that it was silly and pointless to say things that were just not necessarily true.

Then, as a result of a few books I was reading at the time, I begin to seriously think about the thoughts that I was already thinking (basically affirming) on a daily basis. As I begin to just consciously "listen" to the thoughts that went across my mind on a daily basis, I was honestly shocked.

I was thinking things like:
I never have enough money. (And guess what? I never did have enough money)
The job market is tight and I will never make over $30,000 a year. (And guess what? I never did make over $30,000 a year).
People are mean and selfish. This is a cruel violent world. (And guess what? It seemed like I was always coming across mean, selfish, violent people).
If it's not one bad thing, it's another. (And guess what? My life was filled with one bad situation after another.)

Then, I begin to slowly change the way that I was thinking. I am still in that process. And I must admit that it is a constant journey for me because you know, shit happens sometimes...

However, I can honestly say that there have been many significant changes in my life that only happened after I begin to affirm and BELIEVE that I am worthy and ABLE to receive good things in my life. I began to believe that, in the end, things will work out fine.

My person belief system has been centered around the following belief: Despite the struggles I may go through, I expect things to eventually turn out better that I could have ever imagined. The results of my efforts and hopes will always be above and beyond my highest expectations.

I can't explain it. All I know is that positive affirmations have definitely helped me. At the moment, I make more money than I EVER thought I could at the age that I am. I live in a new home that is worth 4 times as much as my first home! I have been blessed with a few true friends that are kind and patient.

“I believe that I am living in a state of abundance and all that I need will come to me” - Devon

Affirmations (defined according to the American Heritage Dictionary)
1. The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.
2. Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.

Affirmations are not bound to any particular religion or religious philosophy.
Affirmations are simply making positive statements about your life…. And I suggest that you do them deliberately…What gives them power is the emotions you put behind them.

I believe that I am living in a state of abundance and all that I need will come to me!
I do the work I love and I work with people I like.
I enjoy my life. I am a healthy, active person who loves myself!
My income is constantly increasing.

A clip from "The Secret" on affirmations:

Affirmations are just like planting seeds in the ground. You may not see it right away. It may not be true right now. But, it is something that you want to be true.

You plant the thought, just like you plant seeds—and you don’t dig it up after a couple of days and wonder why it didn’t grow into fruition. You plant the seed and wait, knowing that there is a universal law in place. I believe that you get back what you put out in the universe.

You will eventually find yourself consciously and subconsciously taking actions to support your affirmations.

Remember that we live our lives based on what we believe our lives should be like. Our beliefs have been shaped by our culture, family, religion, friends, etc.

If your life is not what you want to be, claim a better way of life. Make an affirmation about how you want you life to be! Say it, think it, believe it, and watch your life change!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that your thoughts reflect your life and what happens in your life. I remember you telling me years ago about the "self-fulfilling prophecy" basically if I believe it, I can achieve it. You have to put your thoughts, goals and plans into ACTION in order for them to come into fruition! If you think you will never amount to anything, then you won't! But if you believe that there is a purpose and have a goal in mind that you want to achieve, you will achieve it by any means neccessary. I loved your post on Affirmations and I am going to incorporate that thought process into my own life - starting yesterday! I have to repeat positive affirmations daily in order to get where I want to be and have the things I desire and live the life that God has for me!